Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This was an apocalypse battle fought within a narrative campaign.  Previously, chaos had invaded the hive planet Tervin Prime.  Plague marines accompanied by cultists and daemon prince slargros of Nurgle.  The first battle chaos managed to secure a large section of the city.  Imperial fist with aid from their blood angel battle brothers launched a counter attack to purge and recapture the hive city overrun with chaos.

Blood angels arrive in a stormraven
Imperial guard square off against chaos

Space marines go hand to hand with raptors

Plaugue marines take on Lysander.  Lysander wins

Love the D.U.S.T. Tactics Vehicles

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Space Wolves and DUST Tactics figures

I decided to post some pictures of my son's Space Wolves.  I of course had to paint them.  Most of the Space Wolves you will see in this post are bought from EBay.  I pay about a third of the price for the miniatures when I buy them off of EBay.  Most are used but easily fixable.  The Imperial Guard are from DUST.  They were a joy to paint.  You can purchase them at half the cost of Games Workshop.  If you do not want to pay the Forge World price for Death Corpse this is the way to go.  I can't imagine local shops not letting someone play DUST figures as Imperial Guard.

These are German troops from DUST Tactics.  I use them as Death Corps of Krieg.  Much cheaper and real easy to paint.  I used Valejo, Reaper Master Series and Games Workshop.

Space Wolf Hammers.  I Used Games Workshop and Valejo paints to achieve this affect.  Lots of layering, yellows and browns.

Soviet troops from DUST TACTICS.  Again I use them as Death Corpse of Krieg.

Another Space Wolf with a Lightning Claw.

Space Wolf with Frost Axe.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eldar vehicles

Here are some Eldar Vehicles I have been working on lately.  I have been using three cans of spray paint to get an airbrush affect.  It's quite easy and only takes about 5-10 minutes to do.  Essentially I prime the vehicle with one coat and then layer it with two contrasting colors.  As you can see it produces a nice air brush look.  I have yet to detail them, but just think about the hours of painting you save.  I used Army Painter and Tamiya spray paints. 
Eldar Lynx from Forge World
Speckle affect was done by lightly pressing on the nozzle.  It gives a quick burst of paint.

This Jetbike was painted with Army Painter spray paint and a rust primer.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


New Paint

Grey Knight



Here are some of my latest paintings. I hope you like them.  I am currently working on Tau and Eldar.